The Mayas and the Significance of 2012

Why do we care about the Mayan prediction

As we approach 2012, we care about the Mayans, because they 1) have predicted that the solstice sunrise, the sun to 21 December 2012 marks the end of the cycle of precession in the time alignment of the Sun and the center of the Milky Way appears, which happens only every 26,000 years, and 2) their Long Count calendar ends on that same date, which some people interpret as the end of the world, Maya, however, , did not anticipate such an end.

Precession and the Long Count


Precession is the motion of the Earth that occurs because the earth wobbles as it seems every day on its axis. This wobble slowly moving apparent position of the sun relative to background stars. This means that the stars seen in the slowly and constantly changing positions. If a constellation or specific star or planet, seen from one point on Earth at a given time, 26,000 years to go before the same constellation, a star or planet completes its cycle and returns to the starting position. Since astronomers know precession takes 26,000 years.

The Long Count

Based on rate of precession, the Mayas were able to calculate forward to determine when the sun will be in conjunction with the center of the Milky Way. They established their Long Count calendar to coordinate with the galactic synchronization of our sun and our galaxy center. It is an astronomical event that will occur Mayans predicted the 12th December 2012. There is no scientific agreement on that date


Despite the legend that the Mayans mysteriously disappeared, there are six million Maya living today. There is much we do not know about the early American civilizations. We know that Europeans are burned and destroyed most of his early recordings. There is no evidence that they have gained advanced knowledge needed for mathematics and astronomy, but we know that many of the Maya sites are exposed in the mirror stellar constellations above them, with doors and windows as well as astronomical sightings, especially Venus. They had the knowledge that we can not find a reasonable explanation of the origin or how they could obtain such information.

a few Maya documents available today are still difficult to translate. Most of their prophecies that survive from the Chilam Balam, the nine manuscripts by the so-called "Jaguar Priest" who received the prophecy, while in a trance, and the Great Pacal, the most famous Maya rulers, who ruled 615-683 CE. Gerald Benedict, in Maya:. 2012 End of the world or the Dawn of the Enlightenment, is an excellent discussion of these prophecies

Energy Shifts:

Carlos Barrios, Maja older contemporary, the The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secret of the Old Mayan prophecies and the 2012 argues that the use of energy the most important term of the Mayans. He wants to live in harmony with the earth and each other. He believes that our disconnect from the natural flow of energy in the world causes us off from duhovnog.Maje message may be natural cycles of Sun and stars.

Mayans predicted time of earthquakes, volcanoes, high winds and storms. Although there will be no sudden end of the world, will be local, natural disasters. Of course, but I see such disasters, which began in 2010 and continued in 2011 in many parts of svijeta.Maje realized that the energy change does not happen all at once. It begins and before the expected date and duration after the datuma.Učinak this energy shift is felt now and will continue after December, 2012.

time / cycle

Accepting non-linear, cyclical history opens us another look at our life and civilization. There is a straight line but a series of beginnings and endings, just as it is a natural beginning and end of nature as seen in the night and day, and death and rebirth of the season. Many ancient cultures understood the cyclical rather than linear vrijeme.Maje are aware of the patterns of the past. As explained in the Popul Vuh, Maja creation story, however, they knew that history does not repeat exactly. Change

Fifth World Age is coming to an end in 2012, according to the Mayans. Other groups, such as Hindus and Hopis, argue like four or five different worlds, each new phase starts after the previous one. This is not the end of the world, but at the end of the cycle and start a new one.

I believe the Mayans, their calendars and date of completion of 2012, we were reminded of these major trends and cycles that are constantly occurring, even if they are bigger than what we normally experience in our lives. Whether the Mayans were correct on the day, and many believe that before the shift, while the second specifies a later date, we are reminded that the cycle will continue. We know the Maya, and others were able to calculate that, even if you do not know how they were able to učiniti.Točan date is irrelevant because we know that they believed that energy precedes and follows any event. Anyone in line with the earth's energy does not know the changes taking place now.

What does it mean to you?

Most of you reading this already know about feeling the energy around you. Trust continues to develop these feelings. As the Mayans did, we can feel the energy when you shift and it's time to move on, either in thought and / or in space. Understand when it is time to change the inner attitude rather than outer space. Listen to your body. Listen to the Earth. Everything is connected. Wars, violence and dissatisfaction affect you, like love, sharing and caring. Choose more emotion and action in your life. Make the changes that you can. Start within yourself and your immediate surroundings.

Understand the patterns in your life. See the cycle. Look at the repeated patterns, both positive and negative, in a personal and professional relationships and your actions. Accept that these cycles can be defined and will continue. Change them for the better. You know what needs to be done, without relying on others to tell you. Are you a sense of energy transfer. Do what you know. Remember the caution learned from the Mayans et al: Changes do not appear immediately. They happen over time. Change your thoughts and actions, and the real thing will take place at the right time.

the world will not end in December 2012, a new cycle will begin, however. Be ready for it.


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